Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Thanks everyone for posting to the blog - love it. We don't have a lot of pictures from the wedding (but if you want to go through like 700 from the photographer, let me know) so we thought we'd share some pics from the honeymoon. We want to do it all over again.. what do you guys think? xoxo marsha and sammy
lobster man and tahitian hip shakers
Amazing water!!
Yes, a sting ray and a shark. We're told lagoon sharks are nice. Luckily they were nice to us.
Sammy with our underwater friends.
The incredible view from our deck!
marsha and jail bait!

sunrise from the plane

our daily visit from Ed, our crab
breakfast view every day... very easy to get used to

Monday, November 19, 2007

The Pictures and Stuff`

Sam and Marsha,

This was everyone's attempt to give you a nice surprise upon your return home! Check out the pages of pictures and well wishes from a few and feel free to respond to them! Everyone has access to the site to contribute and post. If there's anyone that you would like to have access to the site, please let me know and I can add them to the site! Enjoy, welcome back, and happy happy times in your new life together!

Beth (& Sean)
the happy, married couple. LOVE those flowers!

Happy Couple, Happy times!

The Russian's getting their pics taken by me -with 12 cameras!

Beth and Masha enjoying champagne!

Beth and Sean having a great time at the Wedding!

Water is good for you!!

Ok, I was trying to get the happy couple not the mountain! But Sam is saying his vowels!

How cool were the birds?

I loved the little in-air dance that they did!

Ms. Meigan...you work it girl!

Tina's is a picture of pretty!

Allison looking like she's on a mission!

Nina is the best little flowergirl ever!

Mr. Polischuk and her little girl! How sweet they look!

Prewedding hellos from Beth, Paul and John!

Here, here the family is all here!

Mom walks Sam down the aisle!

Watch your step! Your mom is beaming - the whole night!

Here comes Megan and look at her doting husband! Awwwww!!

Stan, D1, D2 lightly sweating pre-nuptials!

The cake, the yummy cake! most famous line spoken by D2: "It's crunchy, why is it crunchy?" It's sugar, and boy is it good!

Meigan and D1 all smiles. let the party begin!

Don't stick your finger with the pin!

The cool boys! Andre and Sean enjoying a bit of fun in the sun!